The Role of a Housing Support Worker for Women

  • Service Delivery

The Role of a Housing Support Worker for Women

Solving homelessness involves moving women from homeless to home. Many women have the capacity and resources to independently navigate from a crisis of homelessness to being re-housed within a short period of time. However, for other women, due to the complexities of their lives, challenges they face, and ways that systems have disadvantaged and discriminated against them, some degree of support is required in their journey out of homelessness. For those with the greatest support needs, intensive case management with ongoing in-home support through Housing First has proven to be the most effective for long-term housing and health outcomes. Housing First program support usually consists of at least four roles: outreach, case management, housing selection, and housing support. The purpose of this resource is to explore the housing support worker (HSW) role for those who identify as a woman and are experiencing homelessness.


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